I hitched a ride today to My School via someone who was going to Big University which was down the street. I felt lucky because I really didn't feel like driving two days in a row. I made the trek to the library again and had some luck and found a computer. I got into researching the 4 papers I have to write for this one class. I luckily don't have a due date for them but I am not about to wait until the last week of the semester to hand this suckers in. That'll ruin Christmas for sure and who wants that?
I tried to keep on the reading but frequently lost my spot and couldn't recall what I had just read. I found out in 2007, after heeding a suggestion from the Dir. of Disabilities at that Other School, I got tested for a learning disability (LD). Turns out I have all the indicators of Central Auditory Processing Disorder or CAPD or APD for short. When I had heard and read about my results, I remember vividly that I cried and sobbed and instantly felt a weight come off my shoulders. For years, I was carrying around this burden that I wasn't smart enough and would just not do my best at my school work. This added pressure come directly from my mother who for years blamed my lack of attention and distraction via the tv, friends, boys and other extra curriculars as my downfall to my academics. I'll touch upon this again on another day....
So I'm researching topics for the papers that I have to write. I have 4 papers for one class and an ongoing paper that is due every 2 wks for another class. This last one, is the one that freaks me out the most because of the structure and requirements of the paper. Most of the time it's such a vague description of what is asked/needed that I get lost. Thank god for my trusty digital recorder or else I'd be up Shittawasa's creek. Anyways when I started revisiting what I had printed and what my topics were to be...I realize, my printed articles have nothing to do with the topic. Oh fun! Hooray! *rolls eyes deep exhale schlump in seat* Thank goodness I had a chunk amount of time in the library and was able to find a place to read or else I'd need that paddle.
Funny realization:
Students here are friendly, I will say that, however, they do react funny when seeing paraphenalia that is not accustomed here. Example: say another college's sweatshirt, or a greek organization (frat or sorority), or sports team not from the region (like a Vikings jersey when you're in Boston, etc). It's the I'm not trying to stare but I so am because we are HERE and follow THIS and clearly not what you have on! Stranger! lol...
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As real as I want it to be.
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- laughsquietly
- Originally from New York. I'm shy person who is on a journey to rediscover myself and connect with as many people as I can. I have decided to share myself, my writings and my views. LIfe insights and observations.
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