Last night I went to one of my knitting groups. I had fun. There are some nice ppl who are in this group. We are working on making baby hats for premature babies. I do enjoy doing philanthropic things. Making these baby hats are great. It's a super simple pattern that someone found and it allows me to use up some yarn that I won't use up. So it's a win win. I made 6. :) I'm sure I'll make more in the upcoming months. We're also going to make scarves for the Special Olympics. That yarn I'm not too fond of, but I'm sure I'll do my 3 scarves for that as well. I have to double check on the colors. I was told that it was some blue color with red. *scrunches face* Really? Well, I'll have to check into that one just to be sure.
Today I drove to school to get some research done on my papers that are due. Mainly for my other teacher Teacher E. Nergy. I enjoy his class and realize that I have experienced a lot of what he is teaching from a real world job I had working at a deaf school.
I went hunting for an empty classroom in this one building on campus. I realize that I work so much better with a huge table where I can spread out and really work and block out everything. It's nice. It's like my own little office. This time of day though (like around 445pm) there are a bunch of night classes going on and unfortunately since I didn't know if the classroom I was occupying was going to be used, I really tried to make the best of the time I had and concentrated. Which is when I realized....the articles I found I couldn't use. Made no sense. *sigh* Fine. I made my way to the library.
It's the newest building on campus. Opened in 2009. It's very nice and has nice computer labs on the main floor. I was lucky at the time I came in because apparently the resident students hadn't made it to the labs yet. I grabbed an imac and set up my little nook of studying and research. I don't usually work with my ipod on but I did this time just to drown out the other conversations and such that were happening around me. I need it to be completely quiet and I knew that this wasn't going to happen now. Anyways I was flipping and reading through prognoses and therapies and studies...when I see a guy sit down within my eyeline say....2 o'clock from where I am sitting. He was very attractive. Like wow you're a cutie. I stink at making eye contact but realize that he was checking ME out. There was a girl in front of me, and a girl next to her (1 o'clock) and then he. But since we face each other I thought for sure that 1 o'clock girl thought I was checking her out but sadly I wasn't. She isn't my type. There was something about her fake smile that made her uglier to me, and that completely turned me off to her. As for him, he totally was turning his head. I loved it. I smiled and realized that I hadn't flirted in ages with someone, but I was feeling completely taken by him. This went on I would say, for a better part of an hour. I know, a full 60 minutes! He then got up to leave, which was funny becuase I had wanted to leave by a certain time as well (it was 8pm) and so I started packing up and shutting down the computer. He saw and slowed down his process, which meant I sped mine up!
I must tell you that this fairytale romance ended suddenly, because as soon as I got out, he was no where to be seen. My guess is that he wandered over to his residence hall room and had naughty dreams about the one that caught his attention and slipped out the library door.
*sigh* I will see you again Computer lab cutie. When that moment comes, I'll be just as surprised as you are. This lab is open 24hrs....I'm sure I'll spy you at one time or another.
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As real as I want it to be.
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- laughsquietly
- Originally from New York. I'm shy person who is on a journey to rediscover myself and connect with as many people as I can. I have decided to share myself, my writings and my views. LIfe insights and observations.
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