Today I will have to consider a brain dead day. I'm not sure why considering I have so many things to do. Schoolwork mainly being one of them. I actually spent the day on the couch just me and my dysfunctional laptop. I so can't wait to I can buy a new one. Maybe one day. Right.
I really did though, spend the day watching news, watching crap tv and basically vegging out. I really shouldn't have. I should have been reading. But I didn't. I'll regret that later I'm sure.
I did have plans to meet up one of my knitting groups. I had a longstanding "we wanna go for sushi one day" agreements with one of my knitting friends. So we tried to meet up earlier but as my luck would have it, it's a long holiday weekend and apparently here, everyone was going somewhere RIGHT as I was trying to get some dinner. Oh well. Sushi ran late and I went to check in at the place to see if others had shown up. Luckily no one had so then I hopped into a Party City. I never shop there I didn't even know what to expect, but it's completely covered in Halloween stuff so it was almost a turn off. I browsed through anyways.
I got a call from a friend back home about going to a Halloween party. It got me thinking about a costumer, but I'm not committing to anything yet. I just can't.
Ideas for costumes:
Linda Richman from SNL
A creepy fortune teller
an Elf
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- laughsquietly
- Originally from New York. I'm shy person who is on a journey to rediscover myself and connect with as many people as I can. I have decided to share myself, my writings and my views. LIfe insights and observations.
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