
Anyone else need my blood?

Thursday, January 6, 2011 
I finally had the chance to schedule a long awaited blood test for today. I had to fast. I haven't eaten since 945pm last night. I'm starving and I had to sit through a 7 vial draw first. By the 7th one, my left arm was going to be yanked away from the needle because I was literally fighting reflexes. Thank god it was only 7, if it was more, I would have left. No, really. I'm pretty good with all these things but man, it hurt like a mother flipper. The drink can best be related to a super sugary orange koolaid, a drink which I do not drink. I had five minutes. Now, I've drank water, beer and I'm sure another drink within 5 minutes, but having to do this I thought I was going to spew a fluorescent orange drink around the waiting room....just like those old Nickelodeon shows.
Thankfully I had a 2 hour respite in which I could mull over if I was going to be sick and what exactly I was going to do about it. Nice, huh? Time came and went and as I suffered through the afternoon soap operas that were on a tv (like who in the world is watching these things, still?) I finally submitted myself to 2 more draws and happily went on my way back home.

At home I realized how people would sell their blood for cash (eggs/sperm too) and wondered if things got horrifically bad, I could definitely find myself more than willing to do this on a bi-weekly basis. Not.


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