

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 
After feeling ill for such a while (okay like 9 days) and then realizing the fantastic world was flying by I had made notes of all the randomness and idiotic (and idiosyncrasies) that had overtaken the world by storm during those days. Unfortunately, those thoughts were written on tissues and tossed them after during a bout of massive disinfection of my room and other areas.

Shame really. I had some zingers.

Nonetheless, I'm SURE these lunacies will come back and I'll grab them and jot them down. Because really, the world is a massive ball of insight and luminous individuals...some of which, are just pure crazy and THAT is what makes everything regain balance! LOL

Since the illness that plagued everything including my appetite, I have been juggling school, life, the world, self-discovery, and dealing with ppl all at the same time. And unfortunately no solid conclusion has been made as of yet, but I hope that before my time on this planet comes to an end........something will become definitive. Right? Let's hope.

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