This morning I woke up to yet another eye scratch. I haven't had one in a very long time. I'd spare the details for sake of residual pains but basically it was a few hours of hoping things wouldn't get worse and then gobbing up my eye with ointment cream hoping that I could re-open it and not have a reoccurring tear. By morning, luckily, I was okay but still had a swollen eye and by nights end really wanted to itch my eye all to no end. One day I"m sure I'll give the numerous details describing what that is like but for now, trying to watch the Superbowl with a blurry eye is the worst problem of today.
At least with my good head on this morning, I whipped up food for the game and prepped everything. Veggies, wings and nachos. A perfect balance of healthy and unhealthy, please don't talk to me about sugar/insulin intake. I'll cry.
Missing home and home life comes and goes. Some days are tougher than others. I miss so many things and have identified myself with so many things that at times, introspection makes it difficult to see (or understand, believe) who you are . One thing I constantly revert back to is music. You know, they always say "you walk to the beat of your own drummer" or "music is the sound of feelings" or something like that. Well I've realized that music for me encompasses actions, thoughts, moments, frustrations, FUN, friends, family and everything else in between. I often wish I could plug into a computer and download all the musical-associations (if you will) that I have experienced/made throughout my life and keep them forever.
Since, I am not Neo or Johnny Mnemonic, and don't have a USB port lodged in my skull, I have decided to incorporate music and videos and blog as one.
Therefore, in no order....
I rock out to INXS, it's on the ipod. However, there's something about the careless and free lyrics that brings you to your core of fun. Michael Hutchence was a gift. Also, side note: I would in a hearbeat go to Wimbley for a concert experience just like that. Forget food and beer. It's all about the vibe ppl.
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As real as I want it to be.
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About Me
- laughsquietly
- Originally from New York. I'm shy person who is on a journey to rediscover myself and connect with as many people as I can. I have decided to share myself, my writings and my views. LIfe insights and observations.
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