On my way home last night, I was finally able to unwind a little on the long drive home. This is especially true since I not only cross state borders for school but also major radio markets. With that said it's amazing to be inundated with country-like stations (am not insulting the genre just not the music I would turn my dial to first) and then be welcomed to all the stations that I am used to and grew up with. Of course I'm generalizing but it's just to make the point.
In any case, at mile marker 35, after listening to my favorite talk show (name witheld) I came across a string of songs that completely brought me back to a time where I was a freshman in high school or so and I came to the conclusion that I am the rainman of song lyrics. lol. It's a toss up b/w song lyrics or naming actors in movies. I have yet to decide which is beneficial or worse.
Either way, I laughed as I sang all the lyrics and remembered how fun music was. It's nothing as it is now. There wasn't "foul language" if you will, in every other phrase, or derogatory comments. It was a simplistic way to say what, how you feel no matter the age. I mean, don't get me wrong, play on words and double entendres exist everywhere, but somewhere this was lost and somehow, we need to find this back. Sooner hopefully rather than later.
I'm not sure what happened to these kids. Hopefully they didn't fall into the spiral of Celebritydom and made lives for themselves.
I mean seriously...how can you not like the words ".....wiggida wiggida wack!"
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- laughsquietly
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