Seriously! I mean, when has it ever not been the truth!

and I turned down the dairy aisle, I was heading for the milk. I had spent the day in the library so I hadn't interacted with many people (if you count a blog a person, well that's another post entirely) but I had spotted two grocery stock boys working in the dairy section. I grab a loaf of bread. I laugh OUT LOUD and thought of...
Everyone was gone. No stock boys. No other customers. No store jingly-music. No other ambient sounds. Just drowning quiet. Odd, I thought.
Stunned by her oddness and her buoyancy of being in a shop to witness said flash (which to clarify, was actually a brief power outage) which she of course has witnessed before. Her exuberance made me conjure a partial smile and I almost said "you've lost it lady" but I pick up the pace and then I had my final realization.
1-Don't go grocery shopping alone. Always go in pairs.
2-Your phone does not have all the answers even if some ppl are glued to them like another appendage.
3-Sesame street tunes are classics! none of this recent garbage. I mean the oldies are goodies!
4- Regionally speaking, the natives here are odd. Just plain odd. They are on their own ferris wheel that keeps going round and round and no one gets on and no one can get off.
I wish there was more to explain, but I couldn't. The ferris wheel analogy really does do it for me I think.......
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