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On Monday, I couldn't even see Friday. On Wednesday, I completely forgot about Thursday's late night event that I offered my time to man the front sign in table. By Friday morning, I didn't believe I had enough energy to make it through to 1145am, let alone 3 pm.
As my digits on the watch kept moving, my brain was in full communication with its appendages to direct themselves towards home, I was still sitting writing personalized notes to the eyes of people who I hope would appreciate them.
The time ticked on more and I forgot that I had been invited for dinner (of which I had already turned down / or slept through two times before...and could not conceivably do again). I walked into my apartment sat for about 25 minutes doing nothing as my body was powering down. Since I'm new to my area I have absolutely no concept of traffic times and how far places are from me. I get up and back into the car I go. A few hours later I'm back at home and I barely remember how I got from my door to my bed. In a matter of blinks I was already in a deep and non-REMing sleep and felt the exhaustion starting to leave my bones. LOL. That's a phrase an old-timer would say. Maybe that's whom I had heard it from.....
Now it's later and I'm still feeling run-down. Isn't there a vacation in sight? Shouldn't there be a time where I can unwind and sit down and let the cares of the world pass over me?
No wait, I forgot. It's begun. Holidays. I love them!! I just wish it didn't take so much out of you!! LOL

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
As real as I want it to be.
Long haul to Sleep.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
As my digits on the watch kept moving, my brain was in full communication with its appendages to direct themselves towards home, I was still sitting writing personalized notes to the eyes of people who I hope would appreciate them.
The time ticked on more and I forgot that I had been invited for dinner (of which I had already turned down / or slept through two times before...and could not conceivably do again). I walked into my apartment sat for about 25 minutes doing nothing as my body was powering down. Since I'm new to my area I have absolutely no concept of traffic times and how far places are from me. I get up and back into the car I go. A few hours later I'm back at home and I barely remember how I got from my door to my bed. In a matter of blinks I was already in a deep and non-REMing sleep and felt the exhaustion starting to leave my bones. LOL. That's a phrase an old-timer would say. Maybe that's whom I had heard it from.....
Now it's later and I'm still feeling run-down. Isn't there a vacation in sight? Shouldn't there be a time where I can unwind and sit down and let the cares of the world pass over me?
No wait, I forgot. It's begun. Holidays. I love them!! I just wish it didn't take so much out of you!! LOL
Time to go back to sleep....just to recharge.
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About Me
- laughsquietly
- Originally from New York. I'm shy person who is on a journey to rediscover myself and connect with as many people as I can. I have decided to share myself, my writings and my views. LIfe insights and observations.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.