I finally had the chance to schedule a long awaited blood test for today. I had to fast. I haven't eaten since 945pm last night. I'm starving and I had to sit through a 7 vial draw first. By the 7th one, my left arm was going to be yanked away from the needle because I was literally fighting reflexes. Thank god it was only 7, if it was more, I would have left. No, really. I'm pretty good with all these things but man, it hurt like a mother flipper. The drink can best be related to a super sugary orange koolaid, a drink which I do not drink. I had five minutes. Now, I've drank water, beer and I'm sure another drink within 5 minutes, but having to do this I thought I was going to spew a fluorescent orange drink around the waiting room....just like those old Nickelodeon shows.
Thankfully I had a 2 hour respite in which I could mull over if I was going to be sick and what exactly I was going to do about it. Nice, huh? Time came and went and as I suffered through the afternoon soap operas that were on a tv (like who in the world is watching these things, still?) I finally submitted myself to 2 more draws and happily went on my way back home.
At home I realized how people would sell their blood for cash (eggs/sperm too) and wondered if things got horrifically bad, I could definitely find myself more than willing to do this on a bi-weekly basis. Not.
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As real as I want it to be.
Appreciation of Robert's Rules
Monday, January 3, 2011
Today was the swearing in of Congress. Now I dare not reveal anything political - yea or nay - good or bad, so don't expect me to slip on anything here, but I will say that I've always had an appreciation for procedure and rules. In high school I was part of a Model Congress club and it was instant love. Aside from the friendships and good experiences I had, I really appreciated how the process worked and what it means. I remember joking often during debates, since I was shy and never really felt that I could speak in front of my peers, I never got up often, however I always was a great behind the scenes person and love parliamentary procedure....I couldn't help myself. I really was paying attention even if I didn't talk much. (I have to get back to this later)
While watching C-Span, yes I like C-Span and have no qualms admitting it when topics of interest come up in Congress, and I did find solace in how we accomplish things and how it's meant to be done in a certain way. Now I know that there are individuals who say, it's unimportant. Or it's not needed, but I say how else are we too be a fully functioning government if we don't have laws or guidelines for us to follow? Don't be ridiculous uninformed people, things have to happen in a certain way or else we'd have a complete mess!
After the swearing in, the day was spent with minute introductions on upcoming bills and proposals that would be coming up to the floor in the upcoming days, etc. More interesting to me, was the fact that all these discussions were being done prior to the reading of the Constitution, which is coming up in a few days.
***unfortunately .....after writing a great post....the site didn't like me and it didn't save....I'm so upset. It was such a great ending to a post. Maybe I'll replicate it but as for right now...I'm going to walk away and not yell at my browser.....*
While watching C-Span, yes I like C-Span and have no qualms admitting it when topics of interest come up in Congress, and I did find solace in how we accomplish things and how it's meant to be done in a certain way. Now I know that there are individuals who say, it's unimportant. Or it's not needed, but I say how else are we too be a fully functioning government if we don't have laws or guidelines for us to follow? Don't be ridiculous uninformed people, things have to happen in a certain way or else we'd have a complete mess!
After the swearing in, the day was spent with minute introductions on upcoming bills and proposals that would be coming up to the floor in the upcoming days, etc. More interesting to me, was the fact that all these discussions were being done prior to the reading of the Constitution, which is coming up in a few days.
***unfortunately .....after writing a great post....the site didn't like me and it didn't save....I'm so upset. It was such a great ending to a post. Maybe I'll replicate it but as for right now...I'm going to walk away and not yell at my browser.....*
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- laughsquietly
- Originally from New York. I'm shy person who is on a journey to rediscover myself and connect with as many people as I can. I have decided to share myself, my writings and my views. LIfe insights and observations.
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